Счастье: Рассказ
- Год публикации: 1887
- Автор: Чехов, Антон Павлович
- Переводы: 13
About love and other stories/Anton Chekhov
2004 Oxford University Press
Ach Du gestreifte Hyäne/Isaak Levitan; Anton Čechov*
2021 Friedenauer Presse
Anjuta und andere Erzählungen/Anton Tschechow
1947 Bühl
Anton Chekhov : early short stories, 1883-1888
1999 The Modern Library
Aro ja muita novelleja/Anton Tšehov
1988 Otava
Contos. Vol. I/Anton Tchékhov
2001 Relógio d'Água
Gesammelte Romane und Novellen: Bd. 3: Die russischen Bauern/Anton Tschechow
1920 Musarion
Mestarinovelleja: 1/Anton Tšehov
1975 Otava
Motley tales and a play/Anton Chekhov
1998 Doubleday
Novelleja/Anton Tšehov
1968 Ex libris: [Concert hall Society]
O pavilhão nº 6 [et al.]/Anton Tchekhov
1931 Cultura (Georges Selzoff)
Onni [et al.]/Anton Tšehov
1973 Otava
Opowiadania; Wiśniowy sad/Antoni Czechow
1949 Czytelnik
Russian silhouettes/Anton Tchekoff
1915 Scribner
Select tales of Tchehov/Anton Chekhov
1927 Chatto & Windus
Suuret kertomukset: 1/Anton Tšehov
1961 Otava
The tales of Tchekov. Vol.06: The witch and other stories
1918 Chatto & Windus
Tre år och andra noveller/A Tjechov
1949 Forum